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Sustainable Shampoo Packaging - Cocos Bar

Sustainable Packaging Design for Hair Shampoo
Most liquid shampoo uses HDPE; High Density Polyethylene as packaging. It takes 450 years for HDPE to decompose, which contributes heavily to the plastic pollution. The chemicals used to make the formulas of liquid shampoo can cause water pollution when being washed down the drain!

A short packaging life cycle with a low recycling rate
A bottle of 400ml liquid shampoo only last up to a month (25-35 washes). It is concerning as majority of users throw away their used shampoo bottles on a monthly basis. Piling up in the waste, only 6% of plastics are recycled as well.  

Pain Points in Shampoo Bottles
It's heavy to carry back home after shopping. The size of the plastic bottle takes up space in the bathroom. When users are unable to pump out remaining solution, they would have to mix in water; diluting the liquid shampoo where water already takes up 80% of the solution

How might we reduce the use of shampoo bottles?
Converting liquid shampoo to shampoo bars are far more sustainable as it reduces materials needed for packaging and cuts away the amount of 80% of water in the ingredient list. A single shampoo bar can last up to two months, doubled compared to liquid shampoo!
Natural oils such as coconut oil can be used for shampoo products! It nourishes the hair with Vitamin E and does not cause water pollution.

How can we make use of the entire coconut in the process?

Coconut Husk is a good material for packaging as it is water 
resistant and only takes 8 years to decompose in landfills. 

Sketches and Prototyping
Designing in bulk reduces the amount of material used. The entire packaging can be reused; the lid acts as a bar holder, the container is suitable for pen holder or a planting pot. ​​​​​​​

Designing the Paper Sleeve
Referencing from a raw feel of coconut illustration, I drew and refined the coconut of the paper sleeve. The packaging will be secure yet easy to open, the paper sleeve provides information about the shampoo bar and functionality of the product.

Refining Digitalization

Introducing Cocos!​​​​​​​
The name "Cocos" originated from coconut palm, (Cocos nucifera). It matches with the shape of the packaging that looks like a coconut, with coconut conditioning shampoo bars!

Sustainable Shampoo Packaging - Cocos Bar

Sustainable Shampoo Packaging - Cocos Bar
